Our Practice in Zeeland, Michigan

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About Us

Zeeland Vision Services originated in 1950, with Dr. Gordon Deur. Ten years later, Dr. Marvin Goeman joined the practice at its location on Chicago Drive. Throughout the 1960’s, doctors Deur and Goeman prided themselves in being on the cutting edge of patient care and spectacle lens technology. They provided health exams and had a thriving Vision Therapy clinic for children and adults. In 1974, they invited Dr. Stan Konynenbelt to join the practice where he brought new life and insight to an already flourishing community of patients. Dr. Thomas Bock was introduced to Zeeland Vision in 1979 and for the next several years, doctors Bock and Konynenbelt worked hard to establish a loyal patient base by providing excellent vision care as well as being involved in the community. Dr. Bock and Dr. Konynenbelt eventually retired from the practice in 2019 and 2020, respectively.

As Zeeland Vision has continued to grow and expand and a new generation of doctors has emerged. In 2006, Dr. Aaron Miller joined Zeeland Vision’s optometric group and in 2010, Dr. Stan’s son, Dr. Brian Konynenbelt, was welcomed to the practice. In 2016, Dr. Ann Hemmeke and, in 2019, Dr. Alyssa Borr joined the staff. Most recently, we welcomed Dr. Lori Smolinski to the office in 2021.

Zeeland Vision is now able to offer state of the art technology to assist in delivering excellent eyecare. We exist to preserve, protect and restore the community’s eye care needs.

Our Mission

At Zeeland Vision, we strive to provide the highest quality of eye care and eyewear in Zeeland, MI and the surrounding communities. The doctors and staff of Zeeland Vision look forward to helping you and your family find the best pair of glasses, sunglasses, and/or contact lenses to meet your visual needs.

Our Team


Dr. Aaron Miller



Dr. Brian Konynenbelt



Dr. Ann Hemmeke



Dr. Alyssa Borr



Dr. Lori Smolinski


Our Location

Our Address

  • 300 S State St Suite 15
  • Zeeland, MI 49464

Contact Information

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